
ASME N510:2007 pdf download

ASME N510:2007 pdf download

ASME N510:2007 pdf download.Testing of Nuclear Air Treatment Systems
This Standard covers in-service testing of ASME N509 high-efficiency air treatment systems for nuclear power plants. 1.1 Use of This Standard This Standard provides a basis for the development oftestprograms and does notinclude acceptance criteria except where the results of one test influence the per- formance of other tests. Acceptance criteria shall be developed based on the design/function in accordance with ASME N509. This Standard is arranged so that the user may select those portions (tests) that are relevant to their applica- tion. Tests should be performed in the sequence listed in Table 1. Table 1 also lists the recommended minimum frequency for performing these tests. The user must specify which tests shall be performed, and the accept- ance criteria for those tests, in the test program. 1.2 Limitations of This Standard This Standard covers the in-service (operational) test- ing of installed air treatment systems. This Standard shall be applied in its entirety to systems designed and built to ASME N509 specifications. Sections of this Standard may be used for technical guidance for testing air treatment systems designed to other criteria. ASME AG-1, Section TA covers the acceptance-testing program.
The following references supplement this Standard and are part of it to the extent indicated in the text. The issue (date/revision) of the referenced document noted below shall be in effect. If no date is listed, then the issue of the referenced document in effect at the time of the purchase order shall apply. ASME AG-1 contains code requirements for nuclear air and gas treatment equipment. These code requirements may be substituted for the requirements listed herein. Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice (24th edition) Publisher: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240
The definitions provided in this section supplement those listed in ASME AG-1, Section AA-1000. activated carbon: an adsorbent of porous structure manu- factured by carbonization of organic material and con- trolled oxidation to increase its microporosity, consisting mainly of elemental carbon in a porous structure. adsorbent: any solid having the ability to concentrate other substances on its surface. adsorber: a device or vessel containing adsorbent.adsorber bank or filter bank: one or more filter or adsorber cells secured in a single mounting frame, or one or more side-by-side panels poured or packed air treatment media, confined within the perimeter of a duct, plenum, or vault cross section, sometimes referred to as a stage. adsorber cell: a modular container for an adsorbent, with provision for sealing to a mounting frame, which can be used singularly or in multiples to build up a system of any airflow capacity. aerosol: a stable suspension of particles, solid or liquid, in air. aerosol detection instrument: an instrument capable of measuring challenge aerosol concentration with a linear range of at least 1 to 10 5 . challenge: to expose a filter, adsorber, or other air-clean- ing device to an aerosol or gas of known characteristics, under specified conditions, for the purpose of testing. challenge aerosol: the challenge aerosol used for in-place leak testing of installed HEPA filter systems. challenge gas: a gas of known characteristics used for in-place testing of adsorbers. dioctal phthalate (DOP): a chemical that, in aerosol form, is used to evaluate the efficiency of HEPA filters. filter: a device that removes matter from a fluid, which passes through it. halide gas detection instrument: an instrument capable of distinguishing halide challenge gas from background and detecting halide gas with a linear range of 1 to 10 5 . high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA filter): a dispos- able, extended media, dry type filter enclosed in a rigid casing that exhibits a minimum efficiency of 99.97% when tested with an essentially monodisperse 0.3 ?m aerosol. in-service leak test: a test to measure bypass leakage around or through a specified test boundary. in-service test: a test to determine the operational readi- ness of a system or component.

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