
ASME Y14.1:2012 pdf download

ASME Y14.1:2012 pdf download

ASME Y14.1:2012 pdf download.Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format
1.1 Scope
This Standard defines decimal inch sheet sizes and formats forengineeringdrawings. Metric sheetsizes and format are defined in ASME Y14.1M. For engineering drawing preparation and practices, see ASME Y14.100.
1.2 Purpose
Standardization of drawing sheet sizes and the uni- form location of format features on drawing forms pro- vides definite advantages in readability, handling, filing, and reproduction. In using drawing sheets made by other organizations, an advantage is gained when like items of information are in the same location on all drawing sheets, and when uniformity of form and lan- guage is applied in makinginformationentries. Revision information and dates are of particular importance to users of drawings and should be located and expressed uniformly on all engineering drawings. The widespread use and exchange of reduced-size copies of drawing sheets both within and between orga- nizations emphasizes the importance of standardization of drawing sheet size and format.
1.3 ASME Y14 Series Conventions
The conventions in paras. 1.3.1 through 1.3.10 are used in this and other ASME Y14 series of standards.1.3.1 Mandatory, Nonmandatory, Guidance, and Optional Words (a) The words “shall” and “will” establish a manda- tory requirement. (b) The words “should” and “may” establish a recom- mended practice. (c) The words “typical,” “example,” “for reference,” or the Latin abbreviation “e.g.” indicate suggestions given for guidance only. (d) The word “or” used in conjunction with a manda- tory requirement or a recommended practice indicates that there are two or more options for complying with the stated requirement or practice. 1.3.2 Cross-Reference ofStandards. Cross-reference of standards in text with or without a date following the standard identity shall be interpreted as follows: (a) Reference to other ASME Y14 series of standards inthe textwithouta date followingthe standard identityindicates the issue of the standard as identified in the Reference section shall be used to meet the requirement. (b) Reference to other ASME Y14 series of standards in the text with a date following the standard identity indicates that only that issue of the standard shall be used to meet the requirement. 1.3.3 Invocation of Referenced Standards. The fol- lowing examples define the invocation of a standard when specified in the Reference section and referenced in the text of this Standard: (a) When a referenced standard is cited in the text with no limitations to a specific subject or paragraph(s) ofthestandard, theentirestandardis invoked. Forexam- ple, “dimensioning and tolerancing shall be in accor- dance with ASME Y14.5” is invoking the complete standard because the subject of the standard is dimen- sioning and tolerancing and no specific subject of para- graph(s) within the standard are invoked. (b) When a referenced standard is cited in the text with limitations to a specific subject or paragraph(s) of the standard, only the paragraph(s) on that subject is invoked. For example, “assign part or identifying num- bers in accordance with ASME Y14.100” is only invoking the paragraph(s) on part or identifying numbers because the subject of the standard is engineering drawing prac- tices and part or identifying numbers is a specific subject within the standard. (c) When a reference standard is cited in the textwith- out an invoking statement such as “in accordance with,” the standard is for guidance only. For example, “for gaging principles see ASME Y14.43” is only for guidance and no portion of the standard is invoked.1.3.4 Parentheses Following a Definition. When a definition is followed by a standard referenced in paren- theses, the standard referenced in parentheses is the source for the definition. 1.3.5 Notes. Notes depicted in this Standard in ALL UPPERCASE letters are intended to reflect actual drawing entries. Notes depicted in initial uppercase or lowercase letters are to be considered supporting data to the contents of this Standard and are not intended for literal entry on drawings. A statement requiring the addition of a note with the qualifier “such as” is a requirement to add a note, and the content of the text is allowed to vary to suit the application.

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