
ASME B30.2:2022 pdf download

ASME B30.2:2022 pdf download

ASME B30.2:2022 pdf download.Overhead and Gantry Cranes
The ASME B30 Standard contains provisions thatapply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and use of cranes and other lifting and material-movement-related equipment. For the convenience of the reader, the Standard has been divided into separate volumes. Each volume has been written under the direction of the ASME B30 Standards Committee and has successfully completed a consensus approval process under the general auspices ofthe Amer- ican National Standards Institute (ANSI).
(a) Effective Date. The effective date ofthis Volume of the B30 Standard shall be 1 yr after its date of issuance. Construction, installation, inspection, testing, mainte- nance, and operation of equipment manufactured and facilities constructed after the effective date of this Volume shall conform to the mandatory requirements of this Volume. (b) Existing Installations. Equipment manufactured and facilities constructed prior to the effective date of this Volume of the B30 Standard shall be subject to the inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation re- quirements of this Standard after the effective date. Itis notthe intentofthis Volume ofthe B30 Standard to requireretrofittingofexistingequipment. However, when an item is being modified, its performance requirements shall be reviewed relative to the requirements within the current volume. The need to meet the current require- ments shall be evaluated by a qualified person selected by the owner (user). Recommended changes shall be made by the owner (user) within 1 yr.
abnormaloperating conditions: environmental conditions thatare unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or for the operation of a crane, such as excessively high or low ambient temperatures, exposure to adverse weather, corrosive fumes, dust-laden or moisture-laden atmo- spheres, and hazardous locations. accessory: a secondary partor assembly ofparts that con- tributes to the overall function and usefulness ofa crane. auxiliary hoist: a supplemental hoisting unit usually of lower load rating and higher speed than the main hoist. brake: a device, other than a motor, used for retarding or stopping motion by friction or power means. brake, holding: a friction brake for a hoistthatis automat- ically applied and prevents motion when power to the brake is off. brake, mechanicalload:anautomatictypeoffrictionbrake used for controlling loads in a lowering direction. This unidirectional device requires torque from the motor to lower a load but does not impose any additional load on the motor when lifting a load. braking means: a method or device used for stopping/ holding motion by friction or power.braking, control: a method of controlling speed by removing energy from the moving body or by imparting energy in the opposite direction. braking, countertorque(plugging):amethodofcontrolling speed by reversing the motor line voltage polarity or phase sequence to develop torque in the direction oppo- site the rotation of the motor. braking, dynamic: a method ofcontrolling speed by using the motoras agenerator, with the energybeingdissipated in resistors. braking, eddycurrent: a method ofcontrollingor reducing speed by means of an electrical induction load brake. braking, emergency:amethodofdeceleratingadrivewhen power is not available. The braking effort may be estab- lishedasaresultofactionbytheoperatororautomatically when power to the drive is interrupted. braking, hydraulic: a method of controlling or reducing speed by means of displacement of a liquid. braking, mechanical: a method ofcontrolling or reducing speed by friction. braking, pneumatic: a method of controlling or reducing speed by means of compressed gas. braking, regenerative: a method of controlling speed in which the electrical energy generated by the motor is fed back into the power system. braking, service: a method to decelerate crane motion during normal operation.

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