
IEC 61977:2020 pdf download

IEC 61977:2020 pdf download

IEC 61977:2020 pdf download.Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Fibre optic fixed filters – Generic specification
1 Scope
This document applies to the family of fibre optic filters. These components have all of the following general features: – they are passive for the reason that they contain no optoelectronic or other transducing elements which can process the optical signal launched into the input port; – they modify the spectral intensity distribution in order to select some wavelengths and inhibit others; – they are fixed, i.e. the modification of the spectral intensity distribution is fixed and cannot be tuned; – they have input and output ports or a common port (having both functions of input and output) for the transmission of optical power; the ports are optical fibre or optical fibre connectors; – they differ according to their characteristics. They can be divided into the following categories: short-wave pass (only wavelengths lower than or equal to a specified value are passed); long-wave pass (only wavelengths greater than or equal to a specified value are passed); band-pass (only an optical window is allowed); notch (only an optical window is inhibited); gain flattening (compensating the spectral profile of the device). It is also possible to have a combination of the above categories. This document provides the generic information including terminology of IEC 61753-04x series documents. Published IEC 61753-04x series documents are listed in the Bibliography. This document establishes uniform requirements for optical, mechanical and environmental properties.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-731, IEC TS 62627-09 and the following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1 Component terms 3.1.1 bandpass filter BPF fibre optic filter designed to allow signals between two specific wavelengths to pass Note 1 to entry: This note applies to the French language only. 3.1.2 etalon device consisting of a transparent plane-parallel plate with two reflecting surfaces, or two parallel reflecting mirrors Note 1 to entry: The varying transmission function of an etalon is caused by interference between the multiple reflections of light between the two reflecting surfaces. Note 2 to entry: Annex A describes the outline of etalon technology. 3.1.3 fibre Bragg grating FBG fibre optic device which has a short periodic variation to the refractive index of the fibre core along the fibre Note 1 to entry: An FBG can reflect particular wavelengths of light and transmit other wavelengths. Note 2 to entry: Annex B describes the outline of FBG technology.Note 3 to entry: This note applies to the French language only. 3.1.4 fibre optic filter passive component used in fibre optic transmission system to modify the spectral intensity distribution of a signal in order to transmit or attenuate some wavelengths and block some others Note 1 to entry: There are two types of fibre optic filters: fibre optic fixed filters and fibre optic tuneable filters. Note 2 to entry: The wavelength band which transmits or attenuates the signal is called the passband. There may be more than one passband. 3.1.5 fibre optic fixed filter fibre optic filter which spectral profile is fixed 3.1.6 fibre optic tuneable filter fibre optic filter which spectral profile is changeable Note 1 to entry: Fibre optic tuneable bandpass filter is standardized in IEC 63032. 3.1.7 gain flattening filter gain equalizer GFF GEQ fibre optic filter designed to have the inverse characteristic of the wavelength dependent loss of an optical device Note 1 to entry: A GFF (GEQ) is used for the purpose of minimizing the wavelength dependent loss of a fibre optic device. Note 2 to entry: A GFF (GEQ) is typically used with (in) an optical amplifier. Note 3 to entry: This note applies to the French language only. Note 4 to entry: This note applies to the French language only. 3.1.8 long wavelength pass filter LWPF fibre optic filter that passes long wavelength signals but reduces the amplitude of short wavelength signals Note 1 to entry: This note applies to the French language only. 3.1.9 notch filter fibre optic filter that passes all wavelengths except those in a stop band centred on a particular wavelength

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