
IEC GUIDE 108:2019 pdf download

IEC GUIDE 108:2019 pdf download

IEC GUIDE 108:2019 pdf download.Guidelines for ensuring the coherence of IEC publications – Horizontal functions, horizontal publications and their application
1 Scope
This Guide defines and describes:
– the concept of horizontal functions and horizontal publications;
– the relationship between horizontal publications and product publications;
– the optional use of types and categories of horizontal publications;
– the procedures for the designation of horizontal functions to a technical committee;
– the responsibilities of a technical committee with a horizontal function;
– the interaction between technical committees with horizontal functions and product committees;
– the interaction between Advisory Committees and technical committees with horizontal functions;
– the responsibilities of Advisory Committees related to horizontal functions and horizontal publications;
– the responsibilities of product committees using horizontal publications.
Note: The IEC Standardization Management Board (SMB) has decided that Guides such as this one can have mandatory requirements which shall be followed by all IEC committees developing technical work that falls within the scope of the guide, as well as guidance which may or may not be followed. The mandatory requirements in this Guide are identified by the use of “shall”. Statements that are only for guidance are identified by using the verb “should”. (See IEC Directives Supplement Part 1 , A1 .1 )
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: • IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ • ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1.1 aspect specific way of treating a product in an area of application Note 1 to entry: The areas of application dealt with in relevant Guides are those of, for example, safety, EMC, EMF, environment, and security. 3.1.2 horizontal function task assigned to a committee to prepare one or more horizontal publications related to a given scope Note 1 to entry: The assignment of a horizontal function to a committee is a pre-condition for a committee to prepare horizontal publications. 3.1.3 horizontal publication document dealing with a subject relevant to a number of committees and of crucial importance to ensure the coherence amongst publications 3.1.4 product publication document covering a specific product or family of related products within the scope of a single product committee 3.1.5 product committee committee with a scope which covers a specific family or group of productsHorizontal publications shall contain only matters relevant to the horizontal function and should be written in a manner clearly understandable by the relevant committees as much as possible. International Standards (IS) and Technical Reports (TR) can be designated as a horizontal publication. A Technical Specification (TS) or a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) cannot be designated as a horizontal publication. However, they can be intended to become a horizontal publication once the TS or PAS becomes an International Standard. If this is the case, the scope of the TS or PAS shall clearly indicate the intention to become a horizontal publication in a future revision. Horizontal publications should explain the principles on which they are founded, in order to assist product committees in applying their provisions. In addition, guidance should be given to product committees on how to apply provisions of a horizontal publication, for example, how to choose the appropriate level of severity for a particular test. A horizontal publication shall include in its scope a statement explaining that it is a horizontal publication and explain the correct use of the publication. It shall also make reference to this document or to the relevant aspect-specific Guide.

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