
BS IEC 62988:2018 pdf download

BS IEC 62988:2018 pdf download

BS IEC 62988:2018 pdf download.Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control systems important to safety – Selection and use of wireless devices
1 Scope
This document establishes requirements relevant to the selection and use of wireless devices in instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety used in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Those I&C systems may fully consist of wireless devices. NOTE The word “use” refers to the integration of the device, its qualification, administrative control, and every other activity that may be necessary to use the device in an important to safety application. This document applies to the I&C of new NPPs and to backfit of I&C in existing NPPs. Every wireless device or wireless system that is important to safety is in the scope of this document. Both fixed and mobile devices and all data types (voice, process data, etc.) are included within the scope if they provide a safety classified function. This document restricts the use of wireless devices to systems supporting category C functions according to IEC 61 226, excluding explicitly their use for categories A and B. Non-safety devices and systems may use this document as guidelines, for example to ensure that important to safety devices are not disturbed. – Clause 5 describes the fundamental requirements regarding safety and cybersecurity. – Clause 6 gives wireless-specific requirements that have to be included in the system design. – Clause 7 describes the requirements for the selection and integration of wireless devices. – Clause 8 deals with electromagnetic compatibility and spectrum management. – Clause 9 gives wireless-specific requirements regarding cybersecurity. – Clause 1 0 describes the requirements for the qualification of wireless devices and their environment.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: • IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ • ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1 authentication provision of assurance that a claimed characteristic of an entity is correct [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27000:201 8, 3.5] 3.2 category of an I&C function one of three possible safety assignments (A, B, C) of I&C functions resulting from considerations of the safety relevance of the function to be performed. An unclassified assignment may be made if the function has no importance to safety. Note 1 to entry: See also “class of an I&C system”. Note 2 to entry: IEC 61 226 defines categories of I&C functions. To each category there corresponds a set of requirements applicable on both the I&C function (concerning its specification, design, implementation, verification and validation) and the whole chain of items which are necessary to implement the function (concerning the properties and the related qualification) regardless of how these items are distributed in a number of interconnected I&C systems. For more clarity, this document defines categories of I&C functions and classes of I&C systems and establishes a relationship between the category of the function and the minimal required class for the associated systems and equipment. [SOURCE: IEC 61 51 3:201 1 , 3.4] 3.3 class of an I&C system one of three possible assignments (1 , 2 or 3) of I&C systems important to safety resulting from consideration of their requirement to implement I&C functions of different safety importance. An unclassified assignment is made if the I&C system does not implement functions important to safety. Note 1 to entry: See also “category of an I&C function”, “safety system”. [SOURCE: IEC 61 51 3:201 1 , 3.6]
3.6 electrical/electronic/programmable electronic item E/E/PE item item based on electrical (E) and/or electronic (E) and/or programmable electronic (PE) technology [SOURCE: IEC 61 508-4:201 0, 3.3.2, modified] Note 1 to entry: In this term and its definitions, the word “item” can be replaced by the words: system or equipment or device. 3.7 encryption (reversible) transformation of data by a cryptographic algorithm to produce ciphertext, i.e. to hide the information content of the data [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 1 8033-1 :201 5, 2.21 ] 3.8 access point gateway network device containing at least one host interface such as serial or Ethernet, acting as ingress or an egress point enabling communication between host applications and wireless devices [SOURCE: IEC 62591 :201 6, 3.2.47, modified – The preferred term “access point” has been added.] 3.9 I&C system system, based on E/E/PE items, performing plant I&C functions as well as service and monitoring functions related to the operation of the system itself.

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