
ASME B31.5:2019 pdf download

ASME B31.5:2019 pdf download

ASME B31.5:2019 pdf download.Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components
This Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Compo- nents Code is aSectionofthe AmericanSocietyofMechan- ical Engineers (ASME) Code for Pressure Piping, B31. This Section is published as a separate documentfor simplicity and for convenience ofCode users. The users ofthis Code are advised that in some areas legislation may establish governmental jurisdiction over the subject matter covered by the Code. The owner of a piping installation shall choose which piping codes are applicable to the installation and shall have the overall responsibility for compliance with this Code. (See Nonmandatory Appendix B.) The owner ofa complete piping installation shall have the overall responsibility for compliance with this Code. It is required that the engineering design specify any special requirements pertinent to the particular service involved. For example, the engineering design shall not foranyservicespecifyaweldqualitylowerthanthatstipu- lated in para. 527.3.2(d) for the Code-required visual examination quality and for the types of welds involved; butwhereservice requirements necessitate addedquality and more extensive nondestructive examination, these are to be specified in the engineering design and anyrevi- sionthereto, andwhenso specified, theCode requires that they be accomplished. The Code generally employs a simplified approach for many ofits requirements. A designer may choose to use a more complete and rigorous analysis to develop design and construction requirements. When the designer decides to take this approach, the designer shall provide details and calculations demonstrating that design, contruction, examination, and testing are consis- tentwiththecriteriaofthisCode.Thedetailsshallbedocu- mented in the engineering design.
1 Scope
Rules forthis CodeSectionhavebeendevelopedconsid- ering the needs for applications that include piping and heat transfer components for refrigerants and secondary coolants. This Code prescribes requirements for the materials, design, fabrication, assembly, erection, test, and inspec- tion of refrigerant, heat transfer components, and secondary coolant piping for temperatures as low as −320°F (−196°C), whether erected on the premises or factory assembled, except as specifically excluded in the following paragraphs.
500.1.1 Exclusions. This Code shall not apply to any of the following: (a) any self-contained or unit systems subject to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing laboratory (b) water piping, other than where water is used as a secondary coolant or refrigerant (c) piping designed for external or internal gage pres- sure not exceeding 15 psi (105 kPa) regardless of size (d) pressure vessels, compressors, or pumps, but does include all connecting refrigerant and secondary coolant pipingstartingatthe firstjointadjacentto such apparatus
500.1.2 Units of Measure. This Code states values in both U.S. Customary (USC) and International System (SI) units. Within the text, the SI units are shown in parenth- eses orinseparatetables.Thevaluesstatedineachsystem are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system ofunits should be used independently of the other. When separate equations are provided for USC and SI units, those equations shall be executed using variables in the units associatedwith the specificequation. The results obtained from execution of these equations may be converted to other units. When necessary to convert from one system of units to another, conversion should be made by rounding the values to the number of significant digits of implied precision in the starting value, but not less than four significant digits for use in calculations
500.2 Definitions
For convenience in reference, some of the more common terms relating to piping are defined in this para- graph. Most welding definitions were taken from the AWS WeldingHandbook, Volume 1, 7thEdition. Heattreatment terms were taken from ASM Metals Handbook Properties and Selection of Materials, Volume 1, 8th Edition. arcwelding: a group ofweldingprocesses wherein coales- cence is produced by heating with an electric arc(s), with orwithoutthe applicationofpressureandwithorwithout the use of filler metal.

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