
ASME B107.57:2001 pdf download

ASME B107.57:2001 pdf download

1.1 Scope This Standard provides safety requiremen[s for the design, conslnuction, testing, and use of bricklayers’ hammers that are intended specifcally for use in setting and cutting (splitting) bricks, masonry tile. chipping mortar from bricks, and also of prospecling picks that are intended specifically for use in pulling samnplcs from the ground. 1.2 Purpose This Standard is intended to serve as a guide in selecting, testing, and using the hand tools covered. Deails of design, lesting. and use of the tools covered are specified only as they relate 10 safety. It is not the purpose of this Standard to specify the details of manufacturing. The Standard is also meant to serve as a guide in deve loping manuals and posters and for training person- nel Io work safely. 1.3 Application This Standard may be used as a guide by statc authorities or other regulalory bodies in the formation of laws or regulations. I1 is also intended for voluntary use by establishments tha1 use or manufacture the tools covered. The methods emplayed to ensure compliance with this Standard shall be determined by the proper egulalory or administrative authonity. 1.4 Shall and Should Mandatory requirements of this Standard are charac- terized by the word shall. If a provision is of an advisory naturc. it is indicaled by thc word should or is stated as a Tecommendation.
3 DEFINITIONS (See Figs. 1 and 2, as applicable.)
For the purpose of his Standard. the following definitions apply: bell (poll): the porion of the hammerhead directly behind the face. berel: the underside of the cuting edge bit) of the bricklayers’ hammer. blade: the tapered ponion of the bricklayers’ hammer- head directly opposite the face. chamfer: the angled Aat surface or equivalent radius cncircling the perime1er of the face of the bricklaycrs’ hammer and prospccling picks and al bo1h ends of the cutting edge of the bricklaycrs’ hammer. cheeks: see sides. cutting edge {bit): the edge directly opposite the face of the bricklayers’ hammerhead at the extreme end of the blade. eye: an opening or aperture in the bricklayers’ hammer or prospecting pick located between the blade or pick and the face into which the handle is inserted if the handle is separate. face: the portion of the bricklayers’ hammerhead or prospecting pick head, exclusive of the bell and chamfer, localed on 1he end of the head opposite from the blade or pick end. handle: the portion tha( protrudes from the hammer- head or pick head and by which the toal is held. handle grip: material securely attached to the grip end of some styles of hammer σr pick handles. hardness: the condition of the hammerhead or pick head resulting from heal trealment. neck: on some bricklayers’ hammers of altemative design (see Fig. 1), the porion of the hammerthead between the bel] and Uhe hammer eye. pick: the portion of the prospecting pick directly opposite the face. safety message: the information imprinted on or af- fixed to the hammer thal is intended to promotc safety.
4.1.1 The faces of the heads shall be fat. 4.1.2 The faces shall have a chamfer of 45 deg (or cquivalent radius) all around the perimeter with the width equal to approximately 0.06 in. (1.5 mm). 4.1.3 The undcrside of the cutting edge or bit of uhe bricklayers’ hammer shall have a bevel of approximately 30 deg to 45 deg. The lWo outer comers of he culting edge shall have a chamnfer of approxi- malely 45 deg or equivalent radius. 4.1.4 Handles shall be of any desiga, inchuding ergonomic,that can withstand the tests specified in paras. 4.4.3 and 4.4.4. 4.1.5 The head and handle shall be free of nonfunc- tional shap edges, points, and surface roughness that could infict personal injury on the user while handling the bricklayers’ hammer or prospecting pick.

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