
ASME A13.1:2020 pdf download

ASME A13.1:2020 pdf download

ASME A13.1:2020 pdf download.Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems
ThisStandardisintendedtoestablishacommonsystem to assistinidentificationofhazardous materials conveyed in piping systems and the materials’ hazards when released in the environment. This scheme concerns identification of contents of piping systems. It is recommended for the identification of piping systemsuse dinindustrial, commercial, andinsti- tutional installations, and in buildings used for public assembly. Itdoes notapplyto buried pipelines norto elec- trical conduits. Existing schemes for identification shall be considered as meeting the requirements of this Standard if (a) such schemes are described in writing (b) employees are trained as to the operation and hazards of the piping systems
combustible: the material classification for fluids that can burn, but that are not flammable. fire quenching: the material classification including water, foam, and carbon dioxide used in sprinkler systems and fire-fighting piping systems. flammable:thematerialclassificationforfluidsthat,under ambient or expected operating conditions, are a vapor or producevapors thatcanbeignitedandcontinue to burnin air. The term thus mayapply, dependingon service condi- tions, to fluids defined forotherpurposes as flammable or combustible. oxidizing: the material classification for fluids that may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other material more than air does. piping: conduits used to convey, distribute, mix, separate, discharge, meter, control, or snub fluid flows. piping systems: piping of any kind, including fittings, valves, and pipe coverings. Supports, brackets, or other accessories are specifically excluded from applications of this Standard. toxic and corrosive: the material classification for fluids that are toxic or corrosive, or that will produce toxic or corrosive substances when released.
4.1 Legend This Standard considers a legend to be primary and explicit for identification of contents. Positive identifica- tion ofthe contents ofa piping system shall be by lettered legend, giving the name of the contents in full or abbre- viated form. The following are examples of content descriptions appearing in a legend: (a) “HOT WATER” (b) “SLURRY” (c) “AIR 100 PSIG” (d) “ARGON 500 PSIG” (e) “PROPANE” (f) “H.P. RETURN” (g) “HYDRAULIC OIL” (h) “FOAM” (i) “CARBON TETRACHLORIDE” (j) “CAUSTIC” (k) “SULFURIC ACID” (l) “STEAM 100 PSIG” Legends shall use arrows to indicate direction of flow. Whereflowcanbeinbothdirections,arrowsinbothdirec- tions shall be displayed. Contents shall be identified by a legend with sufficientadditional details, such as tempera- ture and pressure, as are necessaryto identifythe hazard. Legends shall be brief, informative, pointed, and simple for greatest effectiveness. Identification may be stenciled ortaped on, ormarkedin ink. In anysituation, the number and location of identification markers shall be based on the particular piping system. The applicable GHS 1 pictogram as illustrated in Figure 4.1-1 may be included as part of the legend. Wherepipingisconnectedtocontainersthatarelabeled in accordance with GHS requirements, a corresponding label on the piping may be provided. The corresponding label should contain at least the product name or identi- fier, the pictogram, the signal word, and the physical, health, and environmental hazard statement(s). 4.2 Color Color should be used to identify the characteristic hazards of the contents. Color should be displayed on, or contiguous to, the piping by any physical means, but its use shall be in combination with a legend. Color may be used in continuous, total-length coverage or in intermittent displays. Colors preceded by the word “Safety” shall meet the requirements of ANSI/NEMA Z535.1 (see Table 4.2-1).

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