
ASME B16.15:2018 pdf download

ASME B16.15:2018 pdf download

ASME B16.15:2018 pdf download.Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings
This Standard covers cast Classes 125 and 250 copper alloy threaded pipe fittings with provisions for substi- tuting wrought copper alloys for plugs, bushings, caps, and couplings in small sizes. This Standard includes the following: (a) pressure–temperature ratings (b) size and method ofdesignating openings ofreduc- ing pipe fittings (c) marking requirements (d) minimum requirements for casting quality and materials (e) dimensions and tolerances in SI (metric) and U.S. Customary units (f) threading requirements (g) pressure test requirements
2.1 Relevant Units This Standard states values in both SI (metric) and U.S. Customary units. These systems of units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the U.S. Customary units are shown in parentheses. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, it is required that each system of units be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems constitutes nonconformance with the Standard. 2.2 References Standards and specifications containing provisions to the extent referenced herein constitute requirements of this Standard. These referenced documents are listed in Mandatory Appendix I. 2.3 Quality Systems Requirements relating to the product manufacturer’s Quality S ys tem Pro grams are des crib ed in Nonmandatory Appendix A.2.5 TimeofPurchase, Manufacture, orInstallation The pressure–temperature ratings in this Standard are applicable upon its publication to all fittings within its scope that otherwise meet its requirements. For unusedfittings maintainedininventory, themanufacturer of the fittings may certify conformance to this edition provided it can be demonstrated that all requirements of this edition have been met. Where such components were installed in accordance with the pressure–tempera- ture ratings of an earlier edition of this Standard, those ratings are applicable except as may be governed by the applicable code or regulation. 2.6 User Accountability This Standard cites responsibilities that are to be assumedbythe fittinguserinthe areas ofthetemperature at which the pressure rating is taken. 2.7 Service Conditions Criteria for selection ofmaterials suitable forparticular fluid service are not within the scope of this Standard.
3.1 General Pressure–temperatureratingsforthesepipefittingsare shown in Table 3.1-1. All pressures are gage. 3.2 Rating Pressure–temperature ratings are independent of the contained fluid and are the maximum allowable pressures at the tabulated temperatures. Intermediate ratings may be obtained bylinear interpolation between the tempera- tures shown. Thetemperatureshownforthecorrespondingpressure rating shall be the material temperature ofthe pressure- retaining structure. It may be assumed that the material temperature is the same as the fluid temperature. Use ofa pressure rating at a material temperature other than that ofthe contained fluid is the responsibility ofthe user and subject to the requirements of any applicable codes and regulations.
4.1 Nominal Pipe Size The size of the pipe fittings scheduled in the tables herein is identified by the corresponding nominal pipe size (NPS). 1 4.2 Reducing Sizes In the case of reducing tees, crosses, and Y branches (laterals), the NPS of the largest run opening shall be givenfirst, followed bythe NPS ofthe openingatthe oppo- site end of the run. Where the pipe fitting is a tee or Y branch (lateral), the NPS of the outlet is given last. Where the pipe fitting is a cross, the largest side-outlet opening is the third dimension given, followed by the opening opposite. The straight line sketches of Figure 4.2-1 illustrate how the reducing pipe fittings are read.
7.1 Thread Form All threads shall be in accordance with ASME B1.20.1. 7.1.1 Countersinks and Chamfers. All internal taper pipethreadsshallbecountersunkorchamferedadistance notless than one-halfthe pitch ofthe thread atan angle of approximately45 degwith the axis ofthe thread. External taperpipe threads shall be chamferedatanangle between 30 deg and 45 deg with the axis for easier entrance in making a j oint and protection of the thread. Countersinking and chamfering shall be concentric with the threads. The length of threads specified in all tables shall be measured to include the countersink or chamfer. 7.1.2 Alignment. The maximum allowable variation in thealignmentofthreadsofallopeningsshallbe5.0 mm/m (0.06 in./ft).

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