
ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf download

ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf download

ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf download.Inspection and Quality Assurance for High-Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners
1.1 Basic Plan Structure This Standard outlines a Quality Assurance Plan for internally and externally threaded fasteners and acces- sories or associated parts. Provisions are included for sampling plans, inspection frequencies, control proce- dures, and record keeping. Included in this plan are fasteners such as those where a more detailed inspection would enhance mass assem- bly operation. The quality assurance plan for these fas- teners relies primarily on increased final inspection rather than on documented in-process control. This Standard will be used in conjunction with other accepted standards for product, testing, gaging, and material and, therefore, those provisions as well as pack- aging are not included herein. 1.2 Inspection Levels The substantial difference in importance to the user of various characteristics and the dissimilar degrees of control in manufacture make impractical the subjecting of all characteristics to the same degree of inspection. Therefore, three inspection levels have been provided. Any additional characteristics deemed applicable by the user that do not appear in the plan shall be explicitly designated by the user, preferably on engineering draw- ings and related specifications by the appropriate code letter at the time of ordering (see Nonmandatory Appendix B). To assist in arriving at the most appro- priate inspection level, Fig. A-1 included in Nonmandatory Appendix A is recommended for guidance. 1.3 Measuring and Testing Equipment All measuring and testing equipment shall be system- atically maintained and controlled as specified in ISO 17025.
2.1 Scope This Standard is an Acceptance Sampling Plan for high-volume machine assembly fasteners, accessories, and associated parts. It establishes specific inspection functions that must be performed on the finished prod- uct or at the appropriate stage of manufacturing with the objective of ensuring that the accepted product con- forms to all the requirements of engineering drawings, related standards, and/or specifications. This plan does not necessitate in-process control; how- ever, the producer, at his discretion, may apply in-process control. Adherence to the requirements ofthis plan does notrelease the contractor from the responsibil- ity of exercising due care in the production of all parts to the requirements established for all characteristics shown on engineering drawings and related specifications. 2.2 Applicable Characteristics Unless designated characteristics are specifically spec- ified in the product standard, the applicable characteris- tics include all characteristics of a part that are described by engineering drawings and related specifications. Three levels of inspection — A, B, and C — are provided in the plan. Alternate levels may be designated by the user if required. Refer to Fig. A-1 in Nonmandatory Appendix A to establish alternate levels as required. Any additional characteristic(s) deemed applicable by the userand notappearinginthe general plan, orcharac- teristics for which the user requires an inspection level other than that designated in the plan, must be explicitly requested by the user and shown on drawings or specifi- cations by the appropriate code letter at the time of ordering (see Nonmandatory Appendix B). 2.3 Lot Definition A lot is a quantity ofproduct ofone part number made from one heat of raw material by the same production process and subsequently submitted for final inspection at one time. 2.4 Records The supplier shall maintain and provide the purchaser logs and records of inspections and tests as required by this plan if requested. Such records shall indicate the nature and number of observations made, the number and type of deficiencies found, the quantities of material or parts approved and rejected, and the nature of the corrective action taken, as appropriate. Records shall also include the disposition of rejected parts in accor- dance with para. 2.9 and shall be maintained for a mini- mum of 1 yr from the date of shipment of the part

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