
ASME B30.26:2004 pdf download

ASME B30.26:2004 pdf download

ASME B30.26:2004 pdf download.Rigging Hardware
Volume B30.26 includes provisions that apply to the con- struction, installation, operation, inspection, and mainte- nance of detachable rigging hardware used for lifting pur- poses in conjunction with equipment described in other volumes of the B30 Standard. This hardware includes shackles, links, rings, swivels, turnbuckles, eyebolts, hoist rings, wire rope clips, wedge sockets, and rigging blocks. Use of the same hardware for purposes other than lifting is excluded from the provisions of this Volume.
abnormal operating conditions: environmental conditions that are unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or for the operation of a piece of detachable hardware, such as excessively high or low ambient temperatures; expo- sure to weather; corrosive fumes; dust laden or mois- ture laden atmospheres; and hazardous locations. angle of loading: the acute angle between horizontal and the leg of the rigging, often referred to as the horizon- tal angle. bow, shackle: the curved portion of the shackle body op- posite the pin, often referred to as the bail, the body, the dee, or the bowl (see Fig. 3). dead end: the section of wire rope that is not tensioned under load (see Figs. 10 and 11). design factor: ratio between nominal or minimum break- ing strength and rated load of the rigging hardware. designated person: a person who is selected or assigned by the employer or employer’s representative as being competent to perform specific duties. ears, shackle: portion of the shackle body which supports the shackle pin (see Fig. 3). hardware service: normal: service that involves use of loads at or below the rated load. severe: service that involves normal service coupled with abnormal rigging or operating conditions.special: service that involves operation, other than nor- mal or severe, which is approved by a qualified person. hitch, choker: a method of rigging a sling in which the sling is passed around the load, then through one loop eye, end fitting, or other device with the other loop eye or end fitting attached to the lifting device. in-line loading: condition where the load is applied through the centerline of the rigging hardware at the in- tended bearing points. jaw: a U-shaped load bearing connection, designed for use with a removable pin (see Fig. 5). line pull: the tension load in a rope entering a rigging block (see Fig. 17). live end: the section of wire rope that is tensioned under load. (see Figs. 10 and 11). manufacturer: The entity responsible for the physical production of an item. pin, shackle: a steel bolt made to span the two shackle ears (see Fig. 3). primary load fitting: the fitting on a rigging block that car- ries the highest applied load during use (see Fig. 17). proof load: the specific load applied in performance of the proof tests. proof test: a nondestructive load test made to a specific multiple of the rated load of the rigging hardware. qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recog- nized degree in an applicable field or certificate of pro- fessional standing, or who, by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter and work. rated capacity: refer to rated load. rated load: the maximum allowable working load estab- lished by the rigging hardware manufacturer. The terms “rated capacity” and “working load limit” are com- monly used to describe rated load. saddle: the base of a wire rope clip (see Fig. 10).shackle: a U-shaped load-bearing connector designed to be used with a removable pin (see Fig. 1). shock load: any condition which causes a momentary in- crease in the forces in a load-supporting component be- yond the weight of the actual load being lifted. sling: an assembly used for lifting when connected to a lifting mechanism. The upper portion is connected to the lifting mechanism and the lower supports the load, as described in the chapters of this Volume.

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