
ASME B30.4:2020 pdf download

ASME B30.4:2020 pdf download

ASME B30.4:2020 pdf download.Portal and Pedestal Cranes
Volume B30.4 includes provisions that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, andmaintenanceofelectricmotororinternal-combustion engine-powered portal and pedestal cranes that adjust operating radius by means ofa boom luffing mechanism, that may be mounted on a fixed or traveling base, and to any variation thereof that retains the same fundamental characteristics. This Volume applies only to portal and pedestal cranes having a luffing boom and utilizing a drum and rope for load hoisting. The requirements fortower cranes (referto ASME B30.3), telescopic boom cranes, twin boom container handling cranes, and articulating boom cranes are not included in this Volume.
pedestalcrane: a crane consistingofarotatingsuperstruc- ture with operating machinery and boom, all of which is mounted on a pedestal (see Figure 4-0.2.1-1). portal crane: a crane consisting of a rotating superstruc- ture with operating machinery and boom, all of which is mounted on a gantry structure, usually with a portal opening between the gantry columns or legs for traffic to pass beneath the crane. The crane may be fixed or on a traveling base (see Figures 4-0.2.1-2 and 4-0.2.1-3).
accessory: a secondary part or assembly of parts that contributes to the overall function and usefulness of the crane. alteration (modification):anychangeintheoriginalequip- ment manufacturer’s design configuration of the crane that pertains to load-supporting components, load-posi- tioningcomponents, and othercomponents thataffectthe safe load-carrying capability of the crane (e.g., counter- weights, holding valves), including operational aids, limit devices, and other safety equipment. axis ofrotation: the vertical axis around which the super- structure rotates.boom: a member used for supporting the hoisting tackle, with its outer end supported by ropes, chains, rods, or hydraulic cylinder(s). boom point: the outward end of the boom. boom stop: a device or structure designed to limit boom travel to its highest allowable position. brake: a device, other than a motor, used for retarding or stopping motion by means of friction or power. bumper: an energy-absorbing device for reducing impact when a moving boom or crane reaches the end of its permitted travel. This is also known as a buffer. cab: the operator’s compartment on the crane. clutch: a means for engagement or disengagement of power. counterweight: weight used to supplement the weight of the crane in providing stability for lifting loads; it rotates with the superstructure. drum: the cylindrical member around which the rope is wound for lifting or lowering the load or boom. gantry: a movable structural frame consisting ofcolumns andbracingcapableofsupportingacranewithitsworking and dynamic loads. heavy service: service that involves operating at 85% to 100% ofrated load orinexcess of10 liftcycles perhouras a regular specified procedure. in-service: the condition ofa crane readyfor or engaged in work; an operator is at the controls.jib: an extension attached to the boom point to provide added boom length for lifting specified loads. The jib may be in line with the boom or offset to various angles in the vertical plane of the boom. level luffing boom: a type of luffing boom arrangement where the load stays at a constant elevation during luffing of the boom. lightservice:servicethatinvolvesirregularoperationwith loads generally about one-half or less of the rated load limit switch: a device that is actuated by the motion of a part ofa power-driven machine or equipment to alter or disconnect the electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic circuit associated with the machine or equipment.load hoist: a hoist drum and rope reeving system used for hoisting and lowering loads. lower load block: the assembly of hook, shackle, swivel, sheaves, pins, and frame suspended by the hoisting rope. luffing boom: a member hinged to and part of the super- structure thatraises and lowers to change load radius and is used for supporting the hoisting tackle (see Figures 4-0.2.1-1 through 4-0.2.1-3). maximum operatingwindspeed:themaximumwindspeed permittedbythecranemanufactureroraqualifiedperson for the continued operation of the crane. normalservice: service thatinvolves operatingatless than 85% rated load and not more than 10 lift cycles per hour except for isolated instances.

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