
ASME B30.7:2021 pdf download

ASME B30.7:2021 pdf download

ASME B30.7:2021 pdf download.Winches
The B30.7 Volume includes provisions thatapplyto the construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of winches arranged for mounting on a foundation or other supporting structure for moving loads. Winches addressed in this Volume are those typi- cally used in industrial, construction, and maritime appli- cations. The requirements included in this Volume apply to winches that are powered by internal combustion engines, electric motors, compressed air, or hydraulics, and that utilize drums and rope. This Volume does not apply to overhead hoists, mine hoists, capstans, orwinches installed as an integral partof the lifting system ofother B30 equipment. Also excluded are winches used with (a) all-terrain-type recreational vehicles (b) drill rig relocation trucks (c) tow trucks (d) vehicle recovery units (e) boat trailers (f) amusement park rides (g) excavating equipment (h) equipment covered by ANSI A10, ANSI A17, ANSI A90, ANSI A92, ANSI A120, ANSI B20, ANSI B56, and ANSI B77 standards (i) free-fall applications such as pile driving Provisions ofthis Volumedo notapplyto the movement of personnel.
abnormaloperating conditions: environmental conditions thatare unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or for the operation of the equipment, such as excessively high or low ambient temperatures, exposure to adverse weather, corrosive fumes, dust-laden or moisture-laden atmo- spheres, and hazardous locations. brake: a device, other than a motor, used for retarding or stopping motion by means of friction or power. capstan (winch head): a rotatable cylindrical drum with curved end flanges used for load handling by means of fiber rope or wire rope with hand tension applied to the free end of the fiber or the wire rope. A capstan may be a stand-alone machine or may be installed as an auxiliary device on a winch (see Figure 7-0.2-1).clutch: a means for engagement or disengagement of power. criticallift: a load handling operation thathas been deter- mined to present an increased risk beyond normal load handlingactivities. Forexample, increasedriskmayrelate to personnel injury, damage to property, interruption of plantproduction, delays in schedule, release ofhazards to the environment, or other jobsite factors. drum: a cylindrical member around which the rope is wound for moving the load. finalstagemanufacturer:anentitythatassembles,installs, or permanently affixes a winch to complete a load move- ment system. heavy service: service that involves operation within the rated load limit that exceeds normal service. jaw clutch: a clutch composed oftwo hubs with jaws that engage each other. This type ofclutch is either engaged or disengaged and cannot slip. limitdevice: a device thatlimits motion or takes control of particularfunctions withoutactionofthe operatorwhena limiting condition is reached. minimum breaking force: the minimum load at which a new and unused rope will break when loaded to destruc- tion in direct tension. normal operating conditions: conditions during which equipment is performing functions within the scope of its original design. normal service: service that involves operation with randomly distributed loads within the rated load limit, or uniform loads less than 65% of rated load for not more than 25% of the time. original language(s): language(s) used by the manufac- turer to develop product instructions and manual(s). pawl(dog):adevicethatengages aratchettopreventrota- tion.qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recog- nized degree in an applicable field or certificate ofprofes- sional standing, orwho, byextensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve orresolve problems relatingto the subjectmatter and work.ratchet: a toothed component for engagement with the pawl. rated line pull: the manufacturer’s recommended load in pounds (kilograms) applied to the rope attachmenton the winch drum. ratedload:winchratinginpounds(kilograms) established by the manufacturer in accordance with Section 7-1.1. rope: refers to rope addressed by ASME B30.30. severe service: service that involves normal or heavy service with abnormal operating conditions.

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