
ASME B30.8:2020 pdf download

ASME B30.8:2020 pdf download

ASME B30.8:2020 pdf download.Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks
Within the general scope defined in Section I of the Introduction, ASME B30.8 applies to cranes and derricks mounted on barges or pontoons. Floating cranes are convertible for excavation service and other uses that are categorically not considered to be lifting service. The requirements of this Volume are applicable only to floating cranes and floating derricks used for vertical lifting and lowering of freely suspended unguided loads (see Figures 8-0.1-1 through 8-0.1-5).
accessory: a secondary partor assembly ofparts that con- tributes to the overall function and usefulness of a machine. administrative or regulatory authority: governmental agency or the employer in the absence of governmental jurisdiction. anchorage: a point of attachment for tie-downs. angle indicator, boom: an accessory that measures the angle of the boom to the horizontal. auxiliary hoist: a secondary hoist rope system used either in conjunction with, or independently of, the main hoist system. axis ofrotation: the vertical axis around which the crane superstructure rotates. billboard:aflat,usuallyinclinedplatformonwhichtostow spare or emergency anchors. bitt(bollard): an upright wooden or metal post on a dock, barge, or pontoon to which hawsers may be secured. boom:amemberhingedtothesuperstructureandusedfor supporting the hoisting tackle. boom angle: the angle above or below horizontal of the longitudinal axis of the base boom section. boom harness: the block and sheave arrangement on the boom point to which the topping lift rope is reeved for raising and lowering the boom. boom hoist mechanism: a means for supporting the boom and controlling the boom angle.boom point: the outward end of the top section of the boom. boom stop (crane): a device used to limit the angle of the boom at the highest position. brake: a device used for retarding or stopping motion. cab: the operator’s compartment on a crane or derrick. capstan: a spool-shaped revolving drum, manually or power operated, used for heaving in of heavy mooring lines. A capstan head may be a component of an anchor windlass. chock: a mooring fitting having faired inner surfaces or rollers for guiding lines. cleat: a mooring fitting having two horizontal arms to which mooring lines are secured. clutch: a means for engagement or disengagement of power. counterweight: weight used to supplement the weight of the machine in providing stability for lifting working loads. cross angle: the lateral angle between the load tackle and center plane of boom caused by list and trim. derrick, shearleg: a boom with or without a mast, not capable of swinging, hinged at the bottom, and raised and lowered by a boom hoist mechanism or a hydraulic cylinder. derrick, stiffleg: a rigid membersupportingthe mastatthe head. drum:acylindrical memberaroundwhich aropeis wound for lifting and lowering the load or boom. dynamic loading: loads introduced into the machine or its components by forces in motion. eye:aloop formedattheendofaropebysecuringthedead end to the live end at the base of the loop.
fiddle block: a type of tandem block consisting of two sheaves in the same plane held in place by the same cheek plates. floating crane: a rotating superstructure, power plant, operating machinery, and boom mounted on a barge or pontoon. The power plant may be installed below decks. The crane’s function is to handle loads at various radii. floating derrick: a mast or equivalent member held at the head by guys or braces, with or without a boom, for use with a hoisting mechanism and operating ropes, mounted on a barge or pontoon. The power plant may be installed below decks. foot bearing or block (sill block): the lower support on which the derrick mast rotates. gantry (A-frame): a structural frame, extending above the superstructure, to which the boom support ropes are reeved. gudgeon pin: a pin connecting the mast cap to a derrick mast allowing rotation of the mast. guy, derrick: a rope used to steady or secure the mast or other member in the desired position. hoist mechanism: a hoist drum and rope reeving system used for lifting and lowering loads. hook, latch-type:atypeofhookwithamechanicaldeviceto close the throat opening of the hook. jib: an extension attached to the boom point to provide added boom length for lifting specified loads. The jib may be in line with the boom or offset to various angles in the vertical plane of the boom. land crane: a crane designed primarily for operation on land.

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