
ASME B31.9:2017 pdf download

ASME B31.9:2017 pdf download

ASME B31.9:2017 pdf download.Building Services Piping
This Building Services Piping Code is a Section of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for Pressure Piping, B31. This Section, herein called the Code, is published as a separate document for convenience. Standards and specifications incorporated byreference in this Code are shown in Table 926.1, Mandatory Appendix I, and elsewhere. It is not considered practical to referto adatededitionofeachstandard orspecification where referenced. Instead, the dated edition references are included in Mandatory Appendix III. The user is cautioned that the local building code must be observed and adhered to when its requirements are more stringent than those of this Code. Components of piping systems shall conform to the specifications and standards listed in this Code. Piping elements neither specifically approved nor specifically prohibited by this Code may be used provided they are qualified for use as set forth in applicable chapters of this Code. The Code generally specifies a simplified approach for many ofits requirements. A designer may choose to use a morerigorousanalysistodevelopdesignandconstruction requirements. When the designer decides to take this approach, the designer shall provide to the owner details and calculations demonstrating that design, construction, examination, and testing are consistent with the criteria of this Code. These details shall be adequate for the owner to verify the validity and shall be approved by the owner. The details shall be docu- mented in the engineering design.
(a) Services. ThisCodeapplies to thefollowingbuilding services, except as excluded in para. 900.1.3: (1) water and antifreeze solutions for heating and cooling (2) condensing water (3) steam or other condensate (4) other nontoxic liquids (5) steam (6) vacuum (7) compressed air (8) other nontoxic, nonflammable gases (9) combustible liquids including fuel oil (b) Boiler External Piping. The scope of this Code includes boilerexternal pipingwithin the followinglimits: (1) for steam boilers, 15 psig (103 kPa gage) max. (2) forwaterheatingunits,160psig(1 103 kPagage) max. and 250°F (121°C) max. Boilerexternalpipingabovethesepressureortempera- ture limits is within the scope of ASME B31.1. Boiler external piping is the piping connected to the boiler and extending to the points identified in Figure 900.1.2. (c) Material and Size Limits. Piping systems of the following materials are within the scope of this Code, through the indicated maximum size (and wall thickness if noted): (1) carbonsteel: NPS48(DN1 200) and0.50in.(12.7 mm) wall (2) stainlesssteel: NPS24(DN600) and0.50in.(12.7 mm) wall (3) aluminum: NPS 12 (DN 300) (4) brassandcopper: NPS12 (DN300) and12.125 in. (308 mm) O.D. for copper tubing (5) thermoplastics: NPS 24 (DN 600) (6) ductile iron: NPS 48 (DN 1 200) (7) reinforced thermosetting resin: 24 in. (600 mm) nominal Other materials may be used as noted in Chapter III. (d) Pressure Limits. Pipingsystems with workingpres- sures not in excess of the following limits are within the scope of this Code: (1) steam and condensate: 150 psig (1 034 kPa g) (2) liquids: 350 psig (2 413 kPa g) (3) vacuum: 1 atm external pressure (4) compressed air and gas: 150 psig (1 034 kPa g)
adhesive bond: a union of materials by means of an adhesive. anchor: a structural attachmentdevice ormechanism that prevents the movementofpipe due to thermal expansion, expansion joint thrust, and other loads. arc welding: a group of welding processes that produce coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc, with or without the use of filler metal. assembly: the joining together of two or more piping components. automaticwelding:weldingwithequipmentthatperforms the welding operation without constant observation and adjustment ofcontrols by a welding operator. The equip- ment may or may not perform the loading and unloading of the work. backing: material placed at the root of a weld joint to support molten weld metal. backing ring: backing in the form of a ring. ball or swivel joint: a joint that permits pipe motion by means of rotation. base metal (material): the metal (material) to be welded, brazed, soldered, or cut. boiler external piping (BEP): see para. 900.1.2(b). branch connection: the attachment ofthe end ofa branch pipe to the run ofa main pipe, with or withoutthe use ofa fitting. Figure 927.4.6-1 shows typical branch connections that do not use fittings. brazewelding:ajoiningprocessthatproducescoalescence of metals by using a filler metal whose liquidus is above 800°F (427°C) and below the solidus of the base metals. Unlike brazing, the filler metal is not distributed in the joint by capillary attraction.

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