
ASME BPVC-V:2015 pdf download

ASME BPVC-V:2015 pdf download

(a) The following information provides guidance to Code users for submitting technical inquiries to the committees. See Guideline on the Approval of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in Section II, Parts C and D for additional requirements for requests involving adding new materials to the Code. Technical inquiries include requests for revisions or additions to the Code rules, requests for Code Cases, and requests for Code Interpretations, as described below. (1) Code Revisions. Code revisions are considered to accommodate technological developments, address administra- tive requirements, incorporate Code Cases, or to clarify Code intent. (2) Code Cases. Code Cases represent alternatives or additions to existing Code rules. Code Cases are written as a question and reply, and are usually intended to be incorporated into the Code at a later date. When used, Code Cases prescribe mandatory requirements in the same sense as the text of the Code. However, users are cautioned that not all jurisdictions or owners automatically accept Code Cases. The most common applications for Code Cases are: (-a) to permit early implementation of an approved Code revision based on an urgent need (-b) to permit the use of a new material for Code construction (-c) to gain experience with new materials or alternative rules prior to incorporation directly into the Code (3) Code Interpretations. Code Interpretations provide clarification ofthe meaning ofexisting rules in the Code, and are also presented in question and reply format. Interpretations do not introduce new requirements. In cases where existing Code text does not fully convey the meaning that was intended, and revision ofthe rules is required to support an interpretation, an Intent Interpretation will be issued and the Code will be revised. (b) The Code rules, Code Cases, and Code Interpretations established by the committees are not to be considered as approving, recommending, certifying.
Requests for Code revisions or additions shall provide the following: (a) ProposedRevisions orAdditions. For revisions, identify the rules ofthe Code thatrequire revision and submit a copy of the appropriate rules as they appear in the Code, marked up with the proposed revision. For additions, provide the recommended wording referenced to the existing Code rules. (b) Statement ofNeed. Provide a brief explanation of the need for the revision or addition. (c) Background Information. Provide background information to support the revision or addition, including any data or changes in technology that form the basis for the request that will allow the committee to adequately evaluate the proposed revision or addition. Sketches, tables, figures, and graphs should be submitted as appropriate. When applic- able, identify any pertinent paragraph in the Code that would be affected by the revision or addition and identify para- graphs in the Code that reference the paragraphs that are to be revised or added.
Requests for Code Cases shall provide a Statement ofNeed and Background Information similar to that defined in 3(b) and 3(c), respectively, for Code revisions or additions. The urgency ofthe Code Case (e.g., project underway or imminent, new procedure, etc.) must be defined and it must be confirmed that the request is in connection with equipment that will bear the Certification Mark, with the exception of Section XI applications. The proposed Code Case should identify the Code Section and Division, and be written as a Question and a Reply in the same format as existing Code Cases. Requests for Code Cases should also indicate the applicable Code editions and addenda (ifapplicable) to which the proposed Code Case applies.

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