
ASME MBE-1:2022 pdf download

ASME MBE-1:2022 pdf download

ASME MBE-1:2022 pdf download.Model-Based Enterprise: Framework
The Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Framework provides a high-level structural definition for the concept ofan MBE and its elements. An MBE maybe viewed as a system ofsystems in which the overall system and each constituentsystem havedistinctcomponents(e.g.,elements andinterfaces). The purpose of this Standardis to support consistent definitions of, organization of, and relationships between high-level elements ofan MBE. This consistency will facilitate integration and communication between the elements ofan MBE and will allow users ofthis Standard to apply the requirements of subsequentASMEMBE standards. Figure 1-1 presents the hierarchy of standards for which the ASME MBE Standards Committee is responsible. The layers ofthe pyramid representthe increasinglevel ofdetail within ASME MBE standards. The MBE Frameworkexists at the top of the pyramid with the highest level of abstraction. The MBE Framework enables the development of MBE architectures and specifications (e.g., requirements) for the elements of an MBE. Architecture and specification, the second and third layers of the pyramid, respectively, represent ASME MBE standards currently in development. The implementation layer at the bottom of the pyramid is outside the responsibility of the ASME MBE Standards Committee. Implementation is the responsibility of the individual making decisions about a specific MBE deployment. ASME MBE-1 is not intended to be an implementation standard. The MBE Framework does not tell the user how to implement ASME MBE standards. Users of this Standard shall make the best available decisions for implementing the standards in ways that best fit the organization.
ThisStandardprovidesanarchitectureframeworkfortherepresentationofanMBE. ThisStandarduses ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 architecture concepts to present an architectural view of an MBE and its constituent systems. The MBE Framework in this Standard defines the structure ofan MBE and its elements. This Standard also provides guidance on using the MBE Framework. All conventions and common practices for describing the architecture ofan MBE are within the scope ofthis Standard. In addition, this Standard provides a prefabricated representation ofan MBE and its compo- nentsystems.
This Standard defines may, shall, and should as follows: may: the verb used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this Standard. shall:theverb usedto indicatemandatoryrequirements, whichtheusershallfollowstrictlyto complywiththis Standard. should: the verb used to indicate that a possibility among a set ofpossibilities is recommended as particularly suitable (without mentioning or excluding other possibilities) or that a certain course ofaction is preferred but not necessarily required. See Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary athttps://www.merriam-webster.com/ for definitions ofwords used in this Standard but not explicitly defined in this Standard.
The MBE and its elements shall representan interactingsystem ofsystems. The MBE Frameworkshall be the basis for definingarchitecture descriptions thatexpress thearchitecture exhibitedbyeachsystemwithinanMBE. Theboundaries ofa system shall depend on stakeholder concerns and may include an entire MBE, a subset ofMBE elements, or one or more products, processes, services, or other aggregations of interest. A system should be represented by models as defined within or in the context ofthe system environment and should trace back to an overall MBE. A system may be engineered, naturally occurring, or a combination thereof.
Figure7-1 presents the contextofarchitectural descriptions as definedinISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011. The MBE Frame- work, combined with eventual architecture descriptions, shall be the basis for understanding an MBE’s properties pertaining to its behavior, composition, deployment, utility, and maintainability, including the ability to be updated or disposed. The definition ofthe MBE Framework is shown in Figure 7-2. An MBE shall consist ofone or more stakeholders that have acontextual concerninone ormore systems ofinterest.  The MBE Framework shall define the complete environment for an MBE. The MBE Framework shall determine the totality of influences upon an MBE, including the MBE’s interactions with its environment. The environment ofan MBE shall be bound by its stakeholder and the stake- holder’s contextual concern.

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