
ASME PTC 1:2022 pdf download

ASME PTC 1:2022 pdf download

ASME PTC 1:2022 pdf download.General Instructions
ASME PTCs provide uniform rules and procedures for the planning, preparation, execution, and reporting ofperfor- mance testresults. Testresults provide numerical characteristics to the performance ofequipment, systems, and plants being tested. A performance test is an engineering setup and evaluation where measurements of key parameters are taken under controlled circumstances to provide inputs to calculations. These results can be used to benchmark or ascertain performance at a particular time and can indicate how well the performance of the specified equipment compares to an established design, predicted criteria, or previous test results. Throughout ASME PTC 1, when the term “equipment” is used with reference to the object of a performance test, it can refer to specific equipment, systems, or entire plants.
ASME PTCs are developed by technical committees that are governed, organized, and appointed by the Performance Test Codes Supervisory Committee under the auspices ofthe Board on Standardization and Testing. Each code-writing committeeisorganizedtoincluderepresentativesofseveralinterestgroups. Thequalificationsofeachmemberofacode- writingcommittee are subjectto examination and approval bythe SupervisoryCommittee. Members ofthe code-writing committees are highlyqualified, technicallycompetentprofessionals, generallymembers ofASME, who have expertisein thefieldorinanareaofexpertiseneeded bythe committee, suchas special instrumentation. Eachmemberpresents their views onmatters underconsiderationas members ofalearnedprofession, notas representatives ofemployers orspecial interest groups.
Most ASME PTCs are applicable to a specified type of equipment defined by the Code. There may be several sub- categories of equipment covered by a single code. Types of equipment to which PTCs apply can be classified into the following five broad categories: (a) power production, energy conversion, and storage (b) combustion and heat transfer (c) performance monitoring (d) fluid handling (e) emissions The quantities that characterize performance are defined in each code for the equipment within its scope. Absolute performance characteristics determined by adherence to a PTC can be evaluated and compared to design or predicted characteristics or previous testresults, or they can be used to benchmark or ascertain performance at a particular time. Some PTCs are written as general reference documents in supportofthe equipmentPTCs. These can be considered as technical reference material for the equipment codes. Three types of reference codes exist. Thefirsttypecoversguidanceandreferenceinformation.ItcurrentlyconsistsofASMEPTC2,whichcontainsstandards for terms, units, values of constants, and technical nomenclature. Thesecondtypecoversinstrumentationusedinthemeasurementofthermodynamicorprocessfluidparameters,such as pressure, temperature, flow, and shaftpower. Individual codes referring to process or thermodynamic quantities are known as Performance TestCode Instruments and Apparatus Supplements. They are supplementary to the information on mandatory instrumentation requirements contained in the equipment codes. Instrumentation information in equip- menttestcodes supersedes the information given in these supplements, butotherwise these supplements can be incor- porated by reference in equipment test codes where deemed appropriate by the committee.
PTCs provide guidelines for test procedures that yield results ofthe highest level ofaccuracy based on current engi- neeringknowledge, consideringtestingcosts and the value ofinformation obtained from testing. Code committees, Code users, and parties to the test shall ensure that the philosophy of“unbiased test method” is maintained throughout the designofafairandbalancedtest, wherebythetestis objectiveandwithoutbias towardanyoneparticularinterestgroup. Transparency shall be maintained, whereby all parties to the test are made aware of the goals of the test, technical limitations, challenges, and compromises thatshall be considered when designing, executing, and reportinga testunder theASME PTC guidelines.Precisionandreliabilityoftestresultsshallunderlieallconsiderationsinthedevelopmentofan ASME PTC, consistent with economic considerations as judged appropriate by each technical committee and in keeping with the philosophy of the ASME Performance Test Codes Supervisory Committee.
Code tests are suitable whenever performance shall be determined with minimum uncertainty. Theyare meantspeci- fically for equipment operating in an industrial setting. Typical uses include (a) determining if the equipment meets design or expected performance criteria. (b) being incorporated by reference into contracts to serve to determine fulfillment of guarantees. (c) being incorporated by reference or adopted by governments or government agencies into regulations or laws. (d) evaluatingperformancefollowingmodification,changeinoperatingconditions,oranysuspectedchangeinperfor- mance for which such investigation is required. (e) conducting studies to help determine the value of possible upgrades or modifications to equipment. (f) benchmarking performance, sometimes to help determine the necessity for specific preventive maintenance or possible upgrade or modification. (g) tracking trends in performance in time by scheduling performance tests atregular intervals. Such trends are also used to help determine necessity for specific preventive maintenance or possible upgrade or modification. (h) validating results from online or continuous performance-monitoring systems, which are usually less accurate than results of tests conducted in accordance with PTCs.

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