
ASME PTC-53:2018 pdf download

ASME PTC-53:2018 pdf download

ASME PTC-53:2018 pdf download.Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
The objective of this Draft Standard, hereafter referred to as the “Code,” is to establish uniform test methods and proceduresforconductingperformancetestsofmechanicalorthermalenergystoragesystem(s) (ESS).AnESSisasystem that consumes energy to increase the internal energy of the storage media and releases the stored energy, producing useful power or heat. This Code provides standard test procedures for ESS with the goal to provide the highest level of accuracy consistent with current engineering practice. This Code provides procedures for measuring the following parameters: (a) the quantity of energy input (b) the rate of energy input (power) (c) the quantity of nonuseful energy flows in/out of the system during input, steady-state storage, and discharge (d) the quantity of useful energy output (e) the rate of useful energy output (power) The Code provides quantifiable methods to assess the performance ofmechanical or thermal energy storage systems for various technology platforms and applications. When tests are conducted in accordance with a code, the testresults themselves, without adjustment for uncertainty, yield the best available indication of actual performance of the equipment tested within the operational parameters defined in this Performance Test Code (PTC). This Code does not specify means to compare those results to contractual guarantees. Therefore, itis recommended thatparties to acommercial testagree onthe methodto be usedforcomparing results to commercial guarantees before starting the test. 1 It is beyond the scope ofthis Code to determine or interpret how such comparisons are made. This Code is notto be used in troubleshootingequipment. However, this Code can be used to quantifythe magnitude of performanceanomalies ofequipmentthatis suspectedto beperformingpoorlyorto confirmtheneedformaintenance, if simplermeans are notadequate. This Code can be used as a source orreference forsimplerroutine orspecial equipment test procedures.
1-2.1 Types of Systems to Which This Code May Apply This Code applies to mechanical orthermal ESS including, butnotlimited to, compressed air, flywheel, moltensalt, and pumped hydromechanical ESS and sensible, latent, cryogenic, thermochemical, ice-based, or phase-change-material thermal ESS. ASME PTC 53 applies to the measurementofthe performance ofan ESS atthe specified conditions, with all equipment associated with the system functioning in accordance with those conditions. An ESS may use any of various media, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) thermal energy storage media, such as phase-change media (e.g., liquefied air or water-ice) or sensible heating media (e.g., molten salt or thermal fluids and oils) (b) compression media, such as compressed air or springs (c) gravitational media, such as pumped hydromechanical energy or railcars on inclines (d) chemical media, such as hydrogen or ammonia reactions (e) kinetic media, such as flywheels (f) electrolytic media, such as flow batteries ThisCodeprovidesmethodstomeasureenergyandmaterialflowstoandfromanESSthatarerelevanttoassessmentof ESS performance. For example, some ESS may use energy inputs from multiple external sources. 1-2.2 Types of Systems to Which This Code Does Not Apply Electrical batterystorage devices (lead-acid, lithium ion, etc.) have been specificallyexcluded from this Code since the test procedures for that technology have been defined in test codes promulgated by others. 1-3 UNCERTAINTY This Code requires anuncertaintyanalysis in accordance with ASME PTC 19.1. The pretestuncertaintyanalysis is used to develop unit-specific test procedures that result in meeting an agreed-upon target uncertainty. Typical values oftest uncertainties, various unit configurations, and performance parameters are presented in Section 3. Testuncertaintyis an estimate ofthe limitoferror ofa testresult. Itis the interval abouta testresultthatcontains the true value with a given probability, or level of confidence. Test uncertainty is based on calculations using statistics, instrumentationinformation,calculationprocedure,andactualtestdata. Codetestsaresuitableforusewheneverperfor- mance must be determined with minimum uncertainty. Code tests are meant specifically for equipment operating in an industrial setting.

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