
ASME Y14.1M:2005 pdf download

ASME Y14.1M:2005 pdf download

ASME Y14.1M:2005 pdf download.Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format
1.1 Scope This Standard defines metric sheet size and formats for engineering drawings. Decimal inch sheet sizes and format are defined in ASME Y14.1. For engineering drawing preparation and practices, see ASME Y14.100. 1.2 Purpose Standardization of drawing sizes and the uniform location of format features on drawing forms provides definite advantages in readability, handling, filing, and reproduction. In using drawings made by other organi- zations, an advantage is gained when like items of infor- mation are in the same location on all drawings, and when uniformity of form and language is applied in making information entries. Revision information and dates are of particular importance to users of drawings and should be located and expressed uniformly on all engineering drawings. The widespread use and exchange of reduced size copies of drawings both within and between organiza- tions emphasizes the importance of standardization of drawing size and format. 1.3 Units All dimensions used in this Standard are in milli- meters.
1.5 Definitions
The following definitions were extracted verbatim from ASME Y14.100. assembly: a number of parts or combination thereof that are joined together to perform a specific function and subject to disassembly without degradation of any of the parts (e.g., power shovel-front, fan assembly, audio- frequency amplifier). NOTE: The distinction between an assembly and a subassembly is determined byindividual application. Anassemblyin one instance may be a subassembly in another instance where it forms a portion of a higher assembly. associated list: a tabulation of engineering information pertaining to an item depicted on an engineering draw- ing or by a set of drawings (e.g., parts, data, index, wire, and application lists). Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code: a five- character code that provides a unique activity identifier used by the government for activity identification. This method of activity identification has also been widely adopted by industry; CAGE Codes are listed in Cataloging Handbook H4/H8. Cataloging Handbook H4/H8 is available at the Defense Logistics Services Center, DLSC-USS, Federal Center, 74N Washington Ave. N, Ste 7, Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084.contract: a mutually binding legalrelationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services (including construction) and buyer to pay for them. It includes all types of commitments that obligate the procuring activity to an expenditure of appropriated funds and that, except as otherwise authorized, are in writing. In addition to bilateral instruments, contracts include, but are not limited to, awards and notices of awards; job orders or task letters issued under basic ordering agreements; letter contracts; orders, such as purchase orders, under which the contract becomes effective by written acceptance or performance; and bilateral con- tract modifications. contractor: anindividual,partnership,company,corpora- tion, association, or other service having a contract for the design, development, manufacture, maintenance, modification, or supply of items under the terms of a contract.
copy: any reproduction or duplication, in any media, of an original. design activity: an organization that has, or has had, responsibility for the design of an item. current design activity: the design activity currently responsible for the design of an item. This may be the original design activity or a design activity to which the design responsibility has been transferred. original design activity: the design activity originally responsible for the design and identification of an item whose drawing number and activity identification is shown in the title block of the drawings and associated documents. design activity identification: the application of a unique identifier that distinguishes an activity or organization fromanother activityor organization. Examples ofactiv- ity identification include activity name, activity address, or CAGE Code. digital data: data stored on a computer system that employs a display on which the user and the computer interact to create or alter entities for the production of layouts, drawings, numerical control tapes, or other engineering data. document: a term applicable to the specifications, draw- ings, lists, standards, pamphlets, reports, and printed, typewritten, or otherwise created information relating to the design, procurement, manufacture, testing, or acceptance inspection of items or services. drawing: an engineering document or digital data file(s) that discloses (directly or by reference), by means of graphic or textual presentations, or by combinations of both, the physical or functional requirements of an item. drawing format: the arrangement and organization of information within a drawing. This includes such fea- tures as the size and arrangement of blocks, notes, lists, and revision information and use of optional or supple- mental blocks.

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