
ASME Y14.40.5:2002 pdf download

ASME Y14.40.5:2002 pdf download

This Standard specifies graphical symbols for compo- nents and devices used in measurement and control systems, represented in diagrams. For the fundamental rules of creation and application of graphical symbols in diagrams, see ASME Y14.40.0. For an overview of the ASME Y14.40 series, informa- tion on the creation and use of registration nunbers for identifying graphical symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of thesc symbols, and examples of their use and application, see ASME Y14.40.1.
The following references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. For dated references, subsequcnt amend- ments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the references indicated below. For undated references, the laiest edi- tion applies. ASME Y14.40.0, Basic Rules for the Design of Graphical Symbols for Use in the Technical Documentation of Products ASME Y14.40.1, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 1: General Information and Indexes ASME Y14.40.2, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 2: Symbols Having General Application ASME Y14.40.4, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 4: Actuators and Related Devices
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 sensor: primary element of a measuring chain that con- verts the input variable into a signal suitable for mea- surement. 3.2 signal converter: device that changes a signal into a differ- eni signal, the physical naiure of the ouiput being the same as that of the input. 3.3 measuring transiucer transmitter: device that accepts information in the form of a physical or chemical vari- able and converts it to an output variable of the same or another nature, according to a definite law. 3.4 ueiecior: device thai accepis infornatiorn in the form of a physical or chemical variable and transmits a binary signal at a specified condition, cf. mcasuring transducer (3.3). 3.5 iridicator: device that shows the presence or absence of a phenomenon such as pressure, flow, and position or statc, but which does not measure it.
The artow may, but the asterisk shall, be replaced with one of the foliowing: (a) the letter symbol for the unit of the quantity indicated/recorded; (b) the letter symbo! for the quantity indicated/recorded; ({C) a chemical formula; (d) a graphicai symboi. The symbol or formula used shall be related to the information displayed by the measuring or related instrument regardless of the means used to obtain the information. Letter symibois for units and quantities shall be selected from I50 31 or IEC 60027. Nonstandardized graphical symbols or letter symbols may be used provided they are explained on the diagram 0r in a supporting document. !f the letter symbo! for the unit of a quantity indicated or recorded is uscd, it may bc necessary to show the letter symbol for the quantity as supplementary information. It should be placed below the unit letter symbol. Supplementary information concerming the quantity indicated or recorded and any necessary qualifying symbo! may be shown below the quantity letter symbol. To make it possible to distinguish between letter symbols for units and those for quantities, inclined lettering shou!d be used for the quantity !ette symbo!s in accordance with !S0 31 and IEC 60027. The number of rectangies at the top indicates the number of different summations by a multirate mcter. If this is impractical, only one rectangle may be shown supplemented with [nx] inside- -see symbol 345 (2-11.1. 5)- -where n shall he replaced with the number of summations.

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