
ASME Y14-42:2002 pdf download

ASME Y14-42:2002 pdf download

1.1 Scope This Standard provides the minimum requirements for the development of a digital approval system for engineering documentation. 1.2 References When the following American National Standards referred to in this Standard are superceded by a revision approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc., the revision shall apply. ASME Y14.1, Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format ASME Y14.1M, Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format ASME Y14.35M, Revision of Engineering Drawings and Associated Documents ASME Y14.100, Engineering Drawing Practices Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers (ASME International), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 1.3 Definitions approval indicator: any symbol adopted by the design activity to indicate approval. associated documents: general reference to documentation supportive of and directly related to drawing content, such as Parts Lists, Data Lists, Index Lists, Wiring Lists, and Application Lists (see ASME Y14.35M). authentication: the process of verifying the claimed iden- tity of a document’s author and approver(s). biometrics: the use of biological properties to identify individuals, e.g., finger prints, a retina scan, voice recog- nition, etc. cryptographic key: a string of bits used widely in cryptog- raphy, to encrypt and decrypt data. digital signature: a person’s signature transmitted in a coded form (from a computer) by discrete signal ele- ments such that the identity of the signatory and integ- rity of the data can be verified. drawing: an engineering document or digital data file(s) that discloses (directly or by reference), by means of graphic or textural presentations, or by combinations of both, the physical or functional requirements of an item (see ASME Y14.100). signature: one’s name as written by oneself.
Digital approval systems shall provide for the admin- istration and digital application ofunique approval indi- cators. These systems shall be amenable to human and machine-readable protocols, provide for accurate data entry, and provide for accountability and traceability. 2.1 Approval Indicator An approval indicator, as used in this Standard, is a symbol of personal identification with the same author- ity as a manually applied signature. It shall be unique, verifiable, applicable to, controlled and applied by an individual, and affixed or hyperlinked to the approved data. 2.1.1 Composition ofan Approval Indicator. Approval indicators may consist of any symbol(s), letter(s), num- ber(s); grouping or combinations of symbol(s), letter(s), number(s); or a digital signature. Standard and com- monly used machine-readable markings (e.g., 2D bar code, matrix code, etc.) may be used as approval indi- cators. Trademarks, company logos, etc., shall not be used alone as an approval indicator. However, when com- bined with the approval indicator, such symbols provide clearassociationwitha specific organizationorfunction. 2.1.2 Approval Indicators for Engineering Data. A mechanismshallbe established and maintainedto verify and associate approval indicators to an individual. Uni- formityofapprovalindicatorplacementshould be estab- lished by company procedures, standards, or policies to enhance visibility and reduce searching. When engineering data is presented or displayed on anengineeringdrawingutilizinga drawingsheetformat in accordance with ASME Y14.1 or ASME Y14.1M, the approval indicator(s) shall be affixed, or hyperlinked, in the appropriate signature block(s).2.1.3 Manual Drawings. Manually prepared and approved drawings and associated documents may be exempt from the requirements of this Standard. When manually prepared and approved drawings are con- verted to digital file formats, the use ofa digital approval indicator should be considered for future revisions. 2.1.4 Printouts of Digital Documents. Hard copy printouts of digital drawings shall contain dated indica- tion that the document has been approved. 2.1.5 Digital Copies of Digital Documents. When approval indicators reside in separate documents and are hyperlinked to the digital drawing, the approval indicators shall be affixed to the digital copy of the document. 2.2 Authentication and Verification of Approval Indicators Authentication applies to the validation of the approval indicator. Verification of an approval indicator applies to the validation of the approval process.

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