
IEC 63060:2019 pdf download

IEC 63060:2019 pdf download

IEC 63060:2019 pdf download.Electric energy supply networks – General aspects and methods for the maintenance of installations and equipment
1 Scope
This document provides guidance to develop maintenance requirements of installations and equipment in electric power networks. It is primarily meant for the operators of electric power networks, particularly those of public power supplies, including High-Voltage DC transmission (HVDC). This scope does not include: – railway networks, – installations of end consumer networks, – installations for electric power generation. Crises handling, e.g. in emergency situations, is not within the scope of this document. NOTE Consumer networks (e.g. networks of chemical companies, traffic lights and street lighting) are installations which are not used to distribute electric energy to further consumers. The main scope covers public networks, but the general recommendations can be applied to other networks.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following ad- dresses: • IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ • ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1 maintenance combination of all technical and managerial actions intended to retain an object in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform as required [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5, 1 92-06-01 , modified – In the definition, “item” has been re- placed with “object”.] [1 ] 1 3.2 maintenance concept maintenance policy definition of the maintenance objectives, line of maintenance, indenture levels, maintenance levels, maintenance support, and their interrelationships Note 1 to entry: The maintenance concept provides the basis for maintenance planning, determining supportabil- ity requirements, and developing logistic support. [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5, 1 92-06-02] [1 ] 3.3 corrective maintenance maintenance carried out after fault detection to effect restoration [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5, 1 92-06-06, modified – Note 1 to entry has been deleted.] [1 ] 3.4 preventive maintenance maintenance carried out to mitigate degradation and reduce the probability of failure [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5, 1 92-06-05, modified – The second term and Note 1 to entry have been deleted.] [1 ] 3.4.1 condition-based maintenance preventive maintenance based on the assessment of physical condition Note 1 to entry: Condition-based maintenance is derived from the analysis and determination of parameters which characterize the deterioration of the object [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5, 1 92-06-07, modified – Note 1 to entry has been changed.] [1 ] 3.4.2 periodic maintenance time-based maintenance maintenance carried out in accordance with a specified time schedule Note 1 to entry: Periodic maintenance may identify the need for some corrective maintenance action. [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5,1 92-06-1 2, modified – The terms defined have been changed.] [1 ] 3.5 reliability-centred maintenance RCM systematic method for determining the respective maintenance actions and associated fre- quencies, based on the probability and consequences of failure Note 1 to entry: RCM studies may be conducted at any indenture level of a system. Note 2 to entry: Data used may be derived from analysis (e.g. FMECA) and experience (e.g. FRACAS). Note 3 to entry: RCM studies may provide feedback to initiate modifications of design or procedures to effect im- provements. [SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 92:201 5, 1 92-06-08] [1 ] 3.6 maintenance task maintenance action sequence of elementary maintenance activities EXAMPLE Fault localization, fault diagnosis, repair, and function checkout. 3.6.1 inspection activities to determine and assess the actual condition of an object, including the determina- tion of the causes of wear and deriving the necessary conclusions for future use Note 1 to entry: The term “condition determination” is described in detail in Clause B.1 . 3.6.1 .1 operational inspection on-site inspection activities carried out by pure visual observation with the aim of checking the recognizable condition of the object from outside Note 1 to entry: Operational inspections are to be understood as checks to fulfil the legal duty to maintain safety. The inspection may be made by car or from the air (surveying flying). Note 2 to entry: Operational inspection is the simplest form of inspection. 3.6.1 .2 visual inspection activities carried out by observation with the human senses and by recording simple condition variables Note 1 to entry: Obvious function defects are recorded. Note 2 to entry: Observation with the human senses can include simple tools like cameras and drones. 3.6.1 .3 online monitoring continuous or periodic detection, under energized condition, to verify that the parameters of an object lie within formulation limits

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